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Hiveworks Comics
i think its neat
Posted July 29, 2019 at 12:00 am


And remember, I'll be at queer-ass Flamecon at New York this 17th (and 18th) of August!! So soooon! 

OH OH AND does anyone want to do a Guest Strip for me while I'm away?? I know it's last minute, but it's gonna be a little wild in August, what with the usa trip and me moving out and all so I need at least a week of guest strips and I'll fill in the rest and do my best to give you regular content while I do all the stuff :)

If you're interested, could you send it to me via with the subject "GGaR guest strip" or something similar, before the 16th of August? That would be super appreciated! And don't forget to give me LINKS to your gallery, webcomic, or social media, anything you'd want me to promote as I put up your strip<3

Bare in mind that I'll choose what I consider a high enough quality* for something to be featured on GGaR, and nothing TOO nsfw, or nothing way out of place, etc, you know the drill! 

*if you need examples of what I'm looking for, check out the "guest" tag!


Hiveworks Comics