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Hiveworks Comics
Sulking along
Posted June 26, 2015 at 12:00 am

Hey everybody! Time for friendly reminders :>

  • Thank-you for following GGaR with so much love and respect.
  • I have a Patreon for people who want to support my work and help me pay my *ahem* recent bills, in exchange you get bonus materials from my comics and even a chance to get an original GGaR comic strip!
  • Headless Bliss is another webcomic I am working on, in parallel with Go Get a Roomie. If you're interested in surreal landscapes and unexpected adventures, filled with light and dark humor in one odd bundle of mystery, then I suggest checking it out :) It is now on it's 60th page, so it's not too much to catch up to, and yet enough to have a fun and intriguing read all the same!

Hiveworks Comics