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Hiveworks Comics
keeping the dare
Posted May 24, 2021 at 12:00 am

Haha, I love Steve's face and how it contrasts with the two others' reactions. 

Welcome to chapter 7! Called Lazy Minx vs. Evil Lynn. Wonder what'll happen in this chapter ;)

I see that I had given a stool and moon-patterned cloth as a night table for Lillian. You can be sure it never came back in future strips :D Remembering every interior décor I had ever drawn in GGaR was not my forte. It's already a challenge keeping track of character traits and changes, don't ask me to be consistent with interior designs as well! 

Though I plan to actually do keep track of these things in the next comic I'm doing (right now as early access on Patreon, btw!) We'll see if I succeed this time! 

And yes, Allan has earmuffs, because of course :)

--> This is a rerun of the finished webcomic Go Get a Roomie! You can find these two strips in the old archive >here<!


Hiveworks Comics